We are a COVID-19 vaccination provider

William Angliss Institute Medical Centre is an approved vaccination provider for the AstraZeneca and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines. We are happy to help provide COVID-19 immunisation for our local area and wider community.

Checking when you can receive your COVID-19 vaccine

To find out if you are eligible to receive the vaccine now, visit health.gov.au/eligibility-checker and answer the questions to check if you can get a COVID-19 vaccination now. You can also find out where to get the vaccine and book an appointment. You can do this for yourself or another person.

Booking your COVID-19 vaccination appointment

When it is your turn to get vaccinated, you can make a booking by completing the COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility Checker:health.gov.au/eligibility-checker

Alternatively, you can call us on 9606 2208 to book your appointments to get your first and second doses of the vaccine.

You can also book online https://dod.afz.mybluehost.me/.website_0fe5e7e0/appointments/ or come in to the clinic at 555 La Trobe Street Level 2 ,Building C Melbourne 3000 VIC

Make sure you book appointments for both your first and second doses. Please call if you need to confirm the timing of these appointments.

If you need phone or on-site interpreting, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.

Getting ready for your appointment

Please do not come to your vaccination appointment:

  • if you are feeling unwell with fever, or have a cough or runny nose or other symptoms that could be from COVID-19
  • if you are waiting for COVID-19 test results, or have tested positive for COVID-19
  • if you are a close contact of someone with COVID-19
  • if you are in isolation or quarantine.

If you have had another vaccine in the seven days before your COVID-19 vaccine appointment, please let us know as we may need to reschedule your appointment.

If you cannot make it to your vaccination appointment, please contact us to arrange a new appointment.

You can also read this patient factsheet developed by the Australian Government Department of Health: health.gov.au/preparing-for-vaccination

Additional information about Covid-19 Vaccinations